ANEMOI second studio
Coreography Manfredi Perego

Diving with the
Eyes into where
Invisible they stay
Choreography Manfredi Perego
Music Paolo Codognola
Lights Ornella Banfi
Dancers of Balletto Teatro di Torino
The movement of the air allows ideal passage between myself and the place. It passes through the torso and frees the human from futile immobilizing cobwebs.
The wind moves, destroys, heals, lulls. Its whims are a source of mystery and beliefs.
However distant and abstract, when the skin is hit by the element these beliefs awaken. It is exactly this instant of oscillation between the rational and irrational that constitutes the starting point of the choreographic research.
Perceiving the divine in the element, struggling with our rationality.
There, where they can’t be seen, they are.
There, where they run, I am hit.
There, where I stand still, I am shaken by the invisible.
National première FLORENCE DANCE FESTIVAL 19/07/2021