I Divoratori
Original live-performed music by Riccardo Tesio

Original live-performed music by Riccardo Tesio | one of the founders of the long-standing band Marlene Kuntz
Direction | Viola Scaglione and Gigi Piana
Movement dramaturgy | Viola Scaglione
Dancers of BTT | Nadja Guesewell, Lisa Mariani, Viola Scaglione, Flavio Ferruzzi, Luca Tomasoni, Emanuele Piras
Costumes | Manuela Dello Preite
Photographer | Luigi de Palma
A co-production
Balletto Teatro di Torino – Rivolimusica for the Season SCENE 2020-2021
Running time: 50’
We live, we consume and are consumed, we wear down and are worn down in the perception of inhabiting cathedrals built on physical and mental limits that confine our space to a system that mindlessly gobbles up everything. Viola Scaglione and Gigi Piana’s devouring and devoured souls take form in the bodies of the dancers of BTT thanks to Tesio’s music and to instinctual and conscious dramaturgy. A dramaturgy that proves to be an open narration of a world caught between past, present, and future and searching for a deep breath, closeness, acceptance, opportunities.
With these premises, I Divoratori becomes – in the constant and symbolic interaction between the lines of melody and movement – the non-linear work representative of the following statement. In a present made of doubts and inquiries – both conscious and subconscious -, annihilation and constant tension towards a rebirth, past and present constitute iconographic references necessary to understand, re-define and accept ourselves in order to be accepted.