la compagnia




Bestiario Virtuale

Production Balletto Teatro di Torino

Original creation and dramaturgy Carlo Massari /C&C Company

Choreographic materials shared with performers of the Balletto Teatro di Torino Lisa Mariani, Nadja Guesewell, Viola Scaglione, Flavio Ferruzzi, Luca Tomasoni

Dramaturgical diary Francesca Rosso / Accademia Nazionale d’Arte Drammatica Silvio d’Amico

VR&UX Design Davide Borra

3D&VR Production No Real Interactive srl, AT Media srl

Videomaker Matteo Maffesanti

Soundscape Design Max Viale / Luca Martone

Soundscape mix / live sound engineer Luca Martone

Light design Ermanno Marini

Costumes Majatai

Foto Andrea Macchia

Artistic vision Viola Scaglione e Carlo Massari

Cultural project manager Ewa Gleisner


In collaboration with: Musical Institute of the City of Rivoli “G. Balmas,” within the season “Scene dal Vivo 22/23”

With the support of: Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo – leading sponsor, Fondazione CRT

With the contribution of: Ministero della Cultura , Regione Piemonte, Comune di Torino / Torino Arti Performative


Dance, music, research, virtual reality: the fusion of performative languages with new technologies to give life to the multidisciplinary production “TINY UPPERCASE – Virtual Bestiary”.


The immersion in another life: in his private, in his intimate, the “behind the scenes”. A subjective experience that offers the opportunity to get to know five humanity, five stories, different universes.

Tiny is a shared ritual-virtual, where we do not remain passive spectators: we establish an active dialogue in close contact with the performer in which limits between real and virtual, between truth and fantasy, waver, cross over and the technological medium becomes a tool to validate and enhance the power of human relationships.

Through the media of the future, we talk dichotomously about memory, the tracks we voluntarily or involuntarily leave behind as we pass, the roots that inextricably intertwine our past, present and future.

We question how the happenings, experiences, encounters of yesterday may affect our “essence” of today, what we are, secrets and frailties are revealed, whispers are made. What remains, visible but intangible, at the end of our “inhabiting” of places?

In this experience what is tangible and what is virtual come together to feed the awareness of one’s presence in the here and now, passing through the short-circuit-continuity between what we see and what we experience – and therefore feel – thanks to our bodies and senses. This is an innovative experimentation, a new staging format, which allows the audience to experience performance in extended reality – XR.

An empty, bare, essential scene will come to life thanks to the contamination of the performers’ bodies and the use of VR visors, which will transform a neutral space into a multisensory, “amplified” environment where everything becomes possible.


The Tiny Uppercase – Bestiario Virtuale experience is also available digitally on the website




First study


Saturday 21st May 2022, Lavanderia a Vapore, Collegno


Dancers of Balletto Teatro di Torino: Lisa Mariani, Nadja Guesewell, Viola Scaglione, Flavio Ferruzzi, Luca Tomasoni

Artistic direction:Viola Scaglione

Cultural project manager: Ewa Gleisner

Multimedia, visual & UX Design:Vanessa Vozzo

Soundscape Design: Max Viale

Choreographic score: Gabriella Maiorino

Technical supervision & VR developement: Francesco Strada

Lighting design: Simona Gallo

360 Cinematography & post-production: Mattia Meloni

3D modeling, technical art, Unity support: Giuseppe Bruno, Giorgia Colombo, Vittorio Elia

Assistant to production and multimedia design: Ana Carniti

Costume design: Fashion Design, course in Fashion Design– European Design Institute, Turin, under the supervision of Ilaria Turchetti

Soundscape Design assistance: Luca Martone

Photography: Federico Masini and Angelo Bellotti

Videomaker: Margherita Dantini, Sara Saccottelli, Giuseppe Saccottelli

In collaboration with: Musical Institute of the City of Rivoli “G. Balmas,” within the season Scene dal Vivo 2021-22


In partnership with: Officine Sintetiche / Interdepartmental Research Center on Multimediality Audiovisual (CIRMA) of the University of Turin / StudiumLab, College ICM (Cinema and communication media engineering/ Polytechnic of Turin and European Design Institute, Turin

With the support of: Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo – leading sponsor

With the contribution of: Ministero della Cultura , Regione Piemonte, Comune di Torino / Torino Arti Performative, Fondazione CRT



Dance, music, research, virtual reality: Balletto Teatro di Torino combines performative languages with research, a network of collaborations, and technology for their comeback in Scene dal Vivo, on Saturday 21st May, with “Tiny Uppercase. Our hidden sense.” This innovative experimentation will, for the first time, allow the audience to live the dance experience in extended reality – XR. From 6 to 10:30 pm, four by four, spectators will have the opportunity to cross virtual and real worlds in a journey that will influence their corporeal self-awareness and will direct them towards a new perceptive perspective.


“Tiny Uppercase” is a two-year project of multidisciplinary contemporary creation involving dance, music, and technology characterized by an intense research activity and cycles of artistic and technical residencies merged in the production process of the performance. The adopted method was one of transdisciplinary work based on the mutual and continuous influence between the various fields of research and on the mechanism of connection and integration between the different disciplines, all in a co-creation process involving artists, professionals of the various fields, professors and students of the ICM College (Cinema and Communication Media Engineering) / Polytechnic of Torino, the StudiumLab laboratory of The University of Turin – experimenting within the Piedmontese platform Officine Sintetiche -, and the European Design Institute of Turin.


The project aims to revisit, by taking full advantage of the strong points, the dynamics and concept of digital technology to visualize our perception of body, space, and time. We are all aware of possessing five senses: taste, smell, sight, hearing, and touch, but very rarely do we mention proprioception – our sixth sense the ability to perceive and recognize the position and movement of our being in space. In the experience proposed by BTT, the tangible and the virtual merge to feed the living awareness of our presence here and now, going through the short-circuit/continuity between what we see and what we experience – and, therefore, feel – thanks to our body and our senses.


The project “Tiny Uppercase. Our hidden sense” has received a contribution from Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo within the framework of the callART~WAVES. For creativity, from the idea to the stage,” which is directed at consolidating the creative identity of territories by supporting the programming in the field of the performing arts and contemporary creative production, combining research, production, offer, and distribution in a logic of ecosystem to strengthen the territory’s artistic vocations.





Identity Concept


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